Welcome to @SmolMoaArmyTiny ‘s Carrd

Now playing.... CYBERPUNK


  • I can get very defensive of the groups and idols I stan no matter who attacks them, even if it is my co-fandom.

  • Sometimes I do vote for non-ults/non-semiults, so long as they aren't going against my ults or semi-ults, same with ults and semi-ults, if it is between them I always will choose my ults, if it is with three of my ults I will try to vote for all three if they all go against each other, or if two of the three go against each other, I'll vote for both from different accounts.

  • You may ask me why I stan certain idol in my stan list, but please do be mindful and do not be rude or threatening in any way or you'll instantly be blocked, if you are genuinely curious about why I stan him, go ahead and ask away, again... just be respectful.

  • I would rather that, people don't assume things about me based on who I stan or listen to, until you get to know me more, please do not assume bad about me.

  • If you have questions about something do not be afraid to DM me.

  • I swear often, but most times I do I censor the words.

  • I use tone indicators when asked to, let me know if I should use it with you, I also appreciate it when people use tone indicators with me, sometimes I have trouble understanding tones in texts.

  • I often go IA or Semi-IA due to being a med college student, I'm in my last year. (I also sometimes go IA when I need a break due to mental health.)

  • If I do or say anything wrong, please do not be afraid to educate me in DMS, but please try to mature about it, do not send me threatening messages, I might lash out at you right before BLOCKING you, if you do.

  • And lastly, I DO hold whoever I stan accountable if they do something horrible.


  • If you are Homophobic, Transphobic, Biphobic or disrespect the LGBTQ+ community in any way.

  • If you are ableist or support people who are ableist.

  • If you are bellow 16.

  • If you anti ANY of the groups or idols I stan.

  • If you do not hold your idols accountable if they've done something bad. (Because I do hold mine accountable IF they do anything wrong.)

  • If you block people for simply going IA "the wrong time" even if they have something going on in their life.

  • If you give time limits with tagging people to block their mutuals or someone they follow, because not everyone can be online 24/7. (I personally prefer to be DMD about any problematic people I follow, because I do check my DMS.)

  • If you think sending dts is okay in any shape or form, or if you send gore to people. (I don't care what "excuse" you have, you'll be blocked.)